Saturday, November 27, 2004

One of THOSE days

Ever had one of those days where you are busy all day, but by the end of the day, you feel like you've done nothing at all, all day!

Yeah, well, meet my day.....

Daughter arrived in my bedroom at 6:30am to go for our daily walk, which started today, and which I'd forgotten about, and I was feeling lousy anyway.

Went for the walk, and we designed four dresses on the way. Not bad for a half hour.

However, that walk made me tired, so had to have a rest. Maybe things will get better after I've been for a few more walks.

Flitted from one thing to another all day. Hate doing that, must learn to concentrate of completing one task at a time, but years of motherhood have ingrained the habit. It's got a buzzword nowadays. It's called "multi-tasking". Looks good on the CV, but after you've tripped over the vacuum cleaner for the tenth time, because it was abandoned when you remembered that you haven't fed the budgie, then on the way to the birdcage, you see something that simply must go in the washing machine right now, and someone has left the soap on the floor, and that's a safety hazard, so must put that away, and whoops, trip over the vacuum cleaner again..... and so on and on.

I did manage to get the son to mow half the lawn. I chopped down some pesky Old-Man's-Beard (no, it's not what it sounds like, OMB is a very pretty vine that's a real nasty garden hog if you're not very vigilant!) that was choking up the apple tree. Chopped down some blackberry (lovely fruit, but another nasty garden hog. And bloody prickly into the bargain.) Got three loads of washing out on the line, and in again just before the rain. Dried. What else? Took some promised boxes over to the daughter's house, and found her about to mow her lawns, so volunteered to take the two grandsons home with me for an hour. (They are six and four). Went to the park instead. Have you ever tried to follow two divergent hurricanes at the same time? They kept dashing off on paths through the bush, following their own adventures. Had visions of child molesters hiding in the bushes (what has the world come to?) so ran myself ragged trying to keep track of them. By the time I got them home again, I was tuckered out. Boy, I need to do some more exercise. BTW, did you know that "exercise" is a four-letter word?

Got youngest son off, all packed. His were the clothes on the line that had to be dried urgently. Talk about leave things to the last minute. He's off to China for a holiday for the next two months while he's home from Uni. Lucky.
Cooked dinner. Ate it. Oh, before I cooked dinner, I went to have a ten minute power nap, just to rejuvenate. Woke up an hour later, so dinner was at 7:30pm. I know there are cultures where it's cultural to dine late, but not here!

Then logged on to find out about blogging, and here I am!

Actually, I accomplished a fair bit today!

Bye for now.


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